Whole Bible Christianity

It's a God Thing


"Commentary We Think Is Good" - Articles and education from Bruce as well as other Authors.

"Others who proclaim the Word with us" - Helping others find their way to the whole of the Word.

All articles page of the whole Bible website.

This page is a legacy from the previous version of our website. We tried to keep it the same, because many people have linked to it. These are all the articles on our site, both by alphabetic listing and by author.

Lots of Good Help

We've listed here all articles on our site as well as links to other articles we think are helpful for finding your way to a whole Bible perspective. There's an alphabetical list by title, and a list by author.

There's More

We don't just stick with our own articles or books, or even websites. There are a number of good sources of information in web land. Lots of other people have good thoughts too, and we have learned a lot through them. So we let you know here which authors have contributed clarity to the issues and with whom we think you'll also benefit.

Commentary for Everyone

This page has links to articles by a number of different authors listed alphabetically by title below, and also by author below that. If you need an article on a specific section of Scripture, try using the search tool at the top of the page.

The opinions expressed by other authors on other web sites that we may link to or cite are not necessarily those of the Management (who is God, by the way). They also may not represent our opinions, but we include them for help and reference and different view points. Then again, maybe our opinions are not necessarily those of the Management's either. If you have suggestions for something to include here please email us with the information and we will consider it.

Many articles are listed twice because we decided to title and Author. Author lists can be accessed with this menu:

Barna Research | Bruce Scott Bertram | Nancy Carter | Shari Freeland | Tim Hegg | Daniel Juster & Russ Resnik | Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. | Laura Mayhorn | Michael Marlowe | Steve Schlissel

Alphabetical Listing of Articles On Our Site or That We Recommend on Other's

The 613 Commands by Moses Maimonides. PDF version, 16 pages.
List of commands found in the first five books of the Bible (the Pentateuch) sorted by a rabbi around the 1100's named Maimonides (also called the Rambam from an acronym of his name - Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon). With references for each and a short description, and grouped under convenient headings. The web page is also searchable with the search tool at the top of each page.

The 1050 Commands by Finnis Jennings Dake. PDF version, 19 pages.
List of commands found in the Apostolic Scriptures (NT) by Dake. Open to interpretation, and we do not agree with everything he taught, but his arguments are pretty convincing that there are over a thousand commands in the NT. Has subject headings and references, and the web page is searchable with the search tool on the left of each page.

Absolute Truth by Bruce Scott Bertram. 3 pages. PDF version, 3 pages.
This one might just frost your cookies, but don't blame us, blame the Church's teaching and Barna Research. What are we to make of the statistic that most people in the Church do not believe in absolute truth?

Acts 15 by Moshe ben Shaul. PDF version, about 10 pages.
Here is an article by a good friend who has thoughtful comments on this chapter of Holy Writ.

Acts 15 and the Jerusalem Council by Tim Hegg. Link to web site, PDF file, 17 pages.
Extended treatment of the incidents concerning the Jerusalem council and their finding on the issue of circumcision being necessary for salvation.

Adoption by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 6 pages.
Few people are as qualified as Bruce to write on the subject of adoption. In this article he shares some of his insights gained the hard way. See also Two Into One and One House for some other similar ideas.

The Adulterous Woman by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
Article from John 8 you might find interesting. Jesus the lawyer neatly instructs in the proper application of the Law. Don't miss it.

Americans Most Likely to Base Truth on Feelings by Barna Research (George Barna, February 22, 2002)
You know that old song (Feelings, nothing more than feelings...)? Well, according to research, is seems that old song is a continuing chorus in the modern church. It is one reason the whole of God's Word has been pushed out.

Am I a Homophobe? by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, about 9 pages. Free booklet for personal use, about 21 pages.
Bruce comes "out of the closet" as a homophobe. But perhaps the fear of homosexuals is not so "irrational" at all. Plenty of quotes and statistics from many different sources on the lifestyle choice and why a so-called fear may not be so irrational in the end. Perhaps the true irrational fear is in those who capitulate to the enemy.

Asses and Elders by Bruce Scott Bertram, about 6 pages. PDF version, 6 pages.
Starts with the four-legged talking donkey in Numbers and finishes up with the two-legged talking donkeys in our daily lives. Includes views on super churches and the media, too. This article is built around the Reformation concept that 'all truth is God's truth.'

Atheism - The Seinfeld of Religions by Bruce Scott Bertram, about 3 pages. PDF version, 3 pages.
Adherents of atheism claim that it is not a religion. But that depends on your definition. Ninian Smart describes religions with seven "dimensions," all of which apply to atheism. Atheism is all about nothing, which also describes the comedy show of the '90's called Seinfeld.

Atonement by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
Has a discussion of fasting in addition to the description of the Feast. A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section (Christian Faith and Practice Through the Fall Feasts). Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies. See also Stringing Pearls for Yom Kippur for more information.

The Church Isn't Cutting It Anymore by Bruce Scott Bertram. 4 pages.
Check out our opinion of what other interesting statistics Barna Research has uncovered. Pastors who rate themselves highly while the Church is falling apart. Shades of Nero's fiddling!

Covenant Reading by Rev. Steve Schlissel. PDF file, 15 pages.
An article contrasting the differences between the statements "What must I do to be saved" and "What does God require of me?" The link to the web site is www.messiahnyc.org, if you need it.

Covenant Thinking by Rev. Steve Schlissel. PDF file, 15 pages.
On the differences between Hebrew and Greek thinking. Web site is www.messiahnyc.org if you want more.

Covenant Hearing, by Rev. Steve Schlissel. PDF file, 13 pages.
On assurance and identity. Browse the site at www.messiahnyc.org; we're sure you will find it helpful and interesting.

Christian Faith and Practice through Blessing by Bruce Bertram. PDF version, 7 pages.
Helps to illuminate some of the many ways to bless and be blessed. A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section. Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through Cleanliness. PDF version, 6 pages.
Discussion of issues relating to clean and unclean. Free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section (Christian Faith and Practice Through Sex, Clean and Unclean). Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through Cycles by Bruce Scott Bertram, PDF version, 8 pages.
A general teaching or overview of all of the feasts as they relate to cycles in the year, themes, and Yeshua (Jesus). A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section (Christian Faith and Practice Through the Spring Feasts). Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through Diet by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
Explores the teaching and blessings that come from following our Father's ways in the area of food.

Christian Faith and Practice through The Feast of Tabernacles by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages. Party, party, party, all the time party! Do we have a great God, or what? A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section (Christian Faith and Practice Through the Fall Feasts). Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through the Mark by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 5 pages.
The mark of the beast makes many people shudder. But did you know the Scriptures teach us about a mark of God? Offers information giving a possible whole new meaning to the Mark.

Christian Faith and Practice through Money by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
Here we talk about some of the general aspects of the Law as they apply to handling money. Tithing, charity, and loans are covered along with some beginning interpretations.

Christian Faith and Practice through Passover by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 5 pages.
An overview of all three Spring feasts - Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits. A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section (Christian Faith and Practice Through the Spring Feasts). Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through Prayer by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 6 pages.
Goes over much of the Scripture relating to prayer. Attempts to provide some guidance from our Father's instructions. Contains a word study on prayer. A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section. Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through the Sabbath by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
When was the Sabbath instituted? Who was the first person to observe the Sabbath? Is the Sabbath really something that is part of Christian faith and practice? It seems the Scriptures say so, but men say no. Which is it? Or rather, which one do we listen to? A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section. Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through Sex by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
An article detailing some of the Laws governing intimate relationships with one another, specifically between married people of opposite genders sufficiently removed. A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section. Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through the Spirit by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 6 pages.
Doesn't cover specific Laws as much as it addresses the Biblical teachings on the Spirit and various practices which have arisen from incomplete understandings of the Word. 'Leading' and 'filling' are covered, as well as some of the Spirit's activities in the Tanakh (OT).

Christian Faith and Practice through...Tradition by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 8 pages.
Using some of the principals from the movie Fiddler on the Roof and quotes from his buddy Tevye, Bruce lays out some of his viewpoints on the legitimacy and place of tradition in the believer's life, contrasting the traditions of men with the traditions of God. A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section. Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through Tzitzit by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
It may seem a little odd, but an important article on tassels can be found by clicking on this link. Some argue that these are not necessary, but how do we define 'necessary?' Read and find out just how many of the commands really do apply to Christians.

Christian Faith and Practice through Yom Teruah (feast of Trumpets) by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages. Another in the series of CF&P articles intended to help people who are new to practicing the whole of the Word learn how. Contains information on how to blow a shofar and where to get them. A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section (Christian Faith and Practice Through the Fall Feasts). Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Chronology of the week of Yeshua's Crucifixion and Resurrection by Tim Hegg. Link to web site, PDF file, 9 pages.
Another good article from Tim Hegg covers the chronology of the Passion week.

Count the Cost by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
Helps to put some of the costs of truly following our Messiah into perspective.

Correcting Caricatures: The Biblical Teaching on Women, Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., about 4 pages online. Dr. Kaiser is a respected professor of the Old Testament and President Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of Old Testament and Ethics at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Hamilton, MA. He is also the author of a number of excellent books such as Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics: The Search for Meaning; The Promise Plan of God: A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments; and Recovering the Unity of the Bible: One Continuous Story, Plan and Purpose. A different look at the biblical teaching on women. For instance, he translates the word for helpmeet in Genesis 2:18 as 'strength' instead of helper, though the word 'helper' he says is not pejorative as it is used of God on occasion. Definitely worth a look.

Did You Know? by Laura Mayhorn. PDF file, 2 pages.
Laura visits our site and developed a good list of questions and biblical answers, covering facts related to God's Laws, that should appeal to all seekers of truth.

Dividing Wall in Ephesians 2:14 by Tim Hegg. Link to web site, PDF file, 16 pages.
Covered very well in this article written in 1996. We find here that Jesus did not abolish the Law at all, but that a wall erected by men is torn down by Him.

Did God change His mind about food? by Tim Hegg. Link to web site, PDF file, 13 pages.
Asks (and answers) the question about God and changing. He looks at Mark 7:19 and Acts 10 (Peter's Vision) to determine if our God changed His everlasting Word or not.

Dr. Laura by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 6 pages.
Our own response to a letter that sometimes circulates through email, concerning a person's concerns who supposedly listens to her radio show. Dr. Laura Schlessinger speaks positively on her shows concerning the Law, among other things, and it is plain that the alleged listener is not really listening after all.

Encounters with an Ephraimite: Identity Through A Lost Heritage, by Boaz Michael. PDF file, 16 pages.
Personal article discussing Mr. Michael's interactions with people who believe in the Two House theories. Nicely put and meaningful.

Galatians by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 30 pages.
Written in response to questions from a church he attended. With bibliography. This article has a quick summary of the historical split between Judaism and the Church, along with hitting some of the highlights in the epistle. It is not a complete study, but serves to orient the student to the beginnings of a different viewpoint than the Church has traditionally taught.

The Great Commission, an Inquiry by Tim Hegg. Link to web site, PDF file, 13 pages.
Matthew 28:18-20 is discussed thoroughly by Tim here. Baptism, authority, the Holy Spirit's ministry and more are included here for your consideration.

Head covering Customs of the Ancient World by Michael Marlowe. Link to web site.
Article from a cultural viewpoint on what he thinks Paul is talking about in 1 Corinthians 11. We don't agree with his conclusions, but he provides some interesting information.

Head Coverings and Bible Study by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 18 pages. Whole Bible Channel Video click here.
A fairly complete article with balancing viewpoints on the subject of Bible study using 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 as an example. The emphasis is mostly on Bible study methods. This article is also available in booklet form. A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section. Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Home schooling, Why? by Tim Hegg. Link to web site, PDF file, 6 pages.
This article has a number of good points for those considering whether or not to allow the public (or even Christian) schools to get a hold of their kids or not. We recommend not.

How American's Faith Has Changed Since 9/11 by Barna Research (George Barna, 2002)
Barna Research survey of how the attacks of September 11, 2001 affected the religious beliefs and practices of Americans.

How to Tie Your Own Tzitzit in one of the Jewish Styles by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF file, 7 pages.
An article with instructions and illustrations on tying one style of the tassel God asks His children to wear on their clothing. Lots of photos and some other web addresses for purchasing kits, too.

Identity Issues by Bruce Scott Bertram.
Short article on the general idea of identity problems within the Messianic Movement, including an analysis of the Two House theories, with links to various articles by Bruce and others.

In Vino, Veritas by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 16 pages.
Bruce presents one of his papers from a Yeshiva class he took on basic Hermeneutics. 'In Vino, Veritas' is Latin for 'In Wine there is Truth' and has footnotes but no bibliography. He covers everything from how the words for wine are defined and used in the Bible all the way to wine making. Probably a great cure for insomnia.

Law Primer by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version 29 pages.
An attempt to help define terms and concepts, with bibliography.

The Lord's Table by Tim Hegg. Link to web site, PDF file, 14 pages.
Tim investigates the meaning of the communion in a balanced article from the Torah Resource web site. As with most articles by Tim, very much worth the study.

Law Restated by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version 11 pages.
So you think the Law isn't restated in the New Testament? Are your sure you would recognize the Law if it was restated? Are you aware that the Law is restated dozens of times in the Old Testament? After reading this article, maybe you'll be able to recognized the Law in the first place, no matter how it is stated or restated.

Manger by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version 2 pages. Short article on the inn and the manger of Luke 2. Apparently there is a lot of interest in this judging by the requests for backup from the Tabernacles article. So here it is.

Matthew 5 by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 16 pages.
Verse by verse comments on Matthew chapter five, showing how Jesus' teachings were not all that new to begin with.

Matthew 5:17-20, Yeshua's View of Torah by Tim Hegg. Link to web site, PDF file, 16 pages.
Tim presents a 'fuller' treatment of the four verses in Matthew 5:17-20. Enjoy the fruits of his hard work in presenting this for our understanding.

Matthew 6 by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 6 pages.
Part two of the Sermon on the Mount. Verse by verse opinions showing connections to similar concepts in other parts of Scripture.

Matthew 7 by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 8 pages.
Third section of Jesus' Sermon from the Mount. Dogs and pigs, sand and rock, and the difference between working for God and working for self.

The Name of Jesus by Shari Freeland. PDF file, 2 pages.
Discussion of the differences between Jesus, Yeshua, and Joshua as found in the text.

The Name of The Lord by Shari Freeland. PDF file, 3 pages.
Shari asks, what do the names Yahweh, Jehovah, and Lord all have in common?

One House by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
Long before it became fashionable to speak of 'one house' in the Two House teachings, Bruce in 2003 was writing on the fallacies of those teachings and making pleas for maintaining the unity already given to God's children by the Spirit. See also Adoption and Two Into One for other articles relating to these issues.

One Law Movements, A Challenge to the Messianic Jewish Community by Daniel Juster and Russ Resnik. PDF file, 9 pages.
Dr. Daniel Juster is Director of Tikkun Ministries International (www.tikkunministries.org) and Russ Resnik is Executive Director of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations (www.umjc.org). This 9-page article describes why they do not like the idea of Torah for everybody.

One Law Movements, A Response to Russ Resnik and Daniel Juster by Tim Hegg. PDF file, 31 pages.
This article describes why Daniel Juster and Russ Resnik are wrong.

The Parable of Feeding the Multitude Part One by Shari Freeland. PDF file, 2 pages.
First of three part article on the implications of Jesus feeding the multitude.

The Parable of Feeding the Multitude Part Two by Shari Freeland. PDF file, 3 pages.
Second of three part article on the implications of Jesus feeding the multitude.

Pastors Rate Themselves Highly, Especially in Teaching by Barna Research (George Barna, January 7, 2002)
This is from Barna Research a few years ago, but it's still relevant. Ask a pastor how he thinks he's doing, and he'll likely tell you similar information as the table in the article. Look at the condition of the church, or the believers, and a different rating might emerge.

Paul and Corinthian Women's Hairstyles by Nancy Carter. Link to web page.
Companion article to the one below looking more in-depth at the concept that Paul is speaking of hairstyles in 1 Corinthians 11.

Pentecost by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
A discussion of the giving of the Spirit in Acts as it relates to the giving of the Law at Mt. Sinai.

People Husbandry through the Word by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 8 pages.
Discussion covering the issues of modesty in relation to nakedness and clothing, written in response to an article in a Gates of Eden publication by a Brother John Robinson. Is a head covering Scriptural? Do women have to wear long skirts according to the Bible? Why don't men have to wear long skirts, too? What is idolatry, anyway? These are some of the questions Bruce looks at in an attempt to balance arguments about how women should dress with what the Scriptures say about the subject. Free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section (Christian Faith and Practice Through Modesty.) Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Point by Biblical Point through the Ray Comfort article Freedom from Sabbath Keeping by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 7 pages.
Our response to an article written by Ray Comfort titled Freedom from Sabbath Keeping. Ray Comfort has taught many good things. He’s done a lot of hard work answering atheist’s objections to Christianity, and written some worthwhile books. I have quoted him in my book Whole Bible Christianity from his article Hell’s Best Kept Secret. However, he has also taught some things that are off-track biblically. This article in particular contains so many typical Christian half-truths, logical fallacies, biblically incorrect teaching, philosophies of men and misunderstandings that it will serve as an excellent illustration for many of the wrong teachings from the church I have been addressing for years.

The Practical Effects of Translational Bias by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 10 pages.
Looks at some of the practical issues regarding the supposed difficulties of properly translating the Bible. Some in the 'Hebrew Roots' camp are claiming the Apostolic Writings in particular are 'mistranslated' because some translators had a deliberate bias against Judaism and the Hebrew language. Is this really true? Can God be trusted to deliver an uncorrupted version of what He requires from man?

The Priestly Blessing by Tim Hegg. Link to web site, PDF file, 4 pages.
A nice article on his site covering some of the principles involved in the Aaronic or Priestly Blessing.

Psalm 22:16 by Tim Hegg. PDF file, 2 pages.
The words "they pierced" in this Psalm have been the center of controversy for quite a while now. See why, and read about a conclusion based on ancient evidence recently unearthed.

Responses to Relevant Magazine Articles

I also decided to put a section in here for responses I've made to articles in Relevant online Magazine along with a spot on Articles By Bruce Bertram. Relevant Magazine is run by and directed at young people in and around their 20's or so, and apparently with not very much upstairs most of the time. The selected articles are heavy into modern culture and so I guess shouldn't be taken too seriously. They claim to be relevant but according to the dictionary (i.e. "having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand") they are anything but relevant. Perhaps Ephemeral (lasting a very short time) would be a better name, or even Transitory (of brief duration) or Trivial (of little worth or importance).

Sometimes I think they could use a more mature, Scripture centered viewpoint (that would, of course, be me!). Some of their authors are good; most come up short in the Scripture and logic departments. I'll read an article and see how lopsided and sometimes vacuous ("marked by lack of ideas or intelligence") the point is they are trying to make and I just have to respond. However, there is no way they'll publish anything I say because I make too much biblical sense. Therefore I'm not touchy-feely enough for them and too "mean." Their stuff is for short attention spans, so reading time is around four or five minutes.

So I just write up my responses and put them up here. I copy the original article because I've found that sometimes the links don't work or the article just disappears over time. Maybe in searching online people will come across some of what I've written and get more balance. Who knows? Also check out our Blog for some shorter responses to other articles.

Update 7/03/2018. I cancelled my subscription to Relevant Magazine. I received three of the publications by mail (they publish every other month) and spent some time on the website and finally I couldn't stand it anymore. It's hard to tell the difference in the print version between articles and advertisements. Scripture is pretty much non-existent, answers for real problems are sentimental rather than life-changing, and maybe it's because I'm old and have seen it all before but I've seen it all before. The names change, clothing styles are a little different, and the whining just goes on and on. And on and on. Almost everything they think is "relevant" is nothing more than passing fads. No help for daily living or answers for Bible questions and applications. So every once in a while I might catch something they publish and respond to it but not often.

Equality for Women Should Start in the Church by Emma Jarred response by Bruce Scott Bertram.
It's tough trying to keep up with the dumb stuff from young people in Relevant Magazine. But I keep trying. This article really begged for a Scriptural response. Equality for women starting in the church? It is the church that has led the way away from God's Word and caused many of the current problems in the first place! The church is not the answer. The Word of God is the answer.

What Joshua Harris Got Wrong by Carla Ewert, whole Bible Christian response by Bruce S. Bertram. Disappointing, because I thought she would have a female view of I Kissed Dating Goodbye. Instead, we get a bitchy diatribe about maleness and what seems to be a demand to listen to women. On something.

If We Want Less #Metoo Stories Here's What Needs To Happen by Dorothy Greco, whole Bible Christian response by Bruce S. Bertram. What we really need to do is define our terms, look in the right place for the source of the hatred, and embrace all of God's Word. Misogyny is women-hating, but is there any misandry or men-hating involved? Anything else is just treating a few symptoms, not the causes.

CNN'S Jake Tapper Used the Bible to School Pastor Greg Locke on Respecting Women by Jesse Carey, March 27, 2018. Whole Bible Response by Bruce S. Bertram. Sometimes I just have to respond because of the misuse of the Bible. This is one of those cases. Jake Tapper didn't school anyone because he wasn't even in the right school. Calling Stormy Daniels a hooker is like calling a fish a water swimmer. Greg Locke does a good job pointing out the hypocrisy of the left.

Read the Word Publicly by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 8 pages.
This article advocates for reading large portions of the Word of God out loud in our public meetings. Ten chapters or more are recommended, and all the benefits are discussed.

The Red Heifer Sacrifice by Shari Freeland. PDF file, 6 pages.
Shari does a good job comparing her view of the red heifer sacrifice in Numbers 19 with the crucifixion of Jesus.

Romans 14 and the 4th Commandment by Tim Hegg. Link to web site, PDF file, 4 pages.
A good treatment of the "disputatious matters" issue raised by Paul and misunderstood by many, especially with regard to the Sabbath.

Sabbath by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
Part of the feasts but perhaps better explained under a separate heading, the article takes a look at the day of rest and how we can connect with our Father by observing it.

The Sabbath in Scripture by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 12 Pages.
Another article on the Sabbath with an in-depth look as the day combines with the Law and is taught throughout the Scriptures.

Should I Remove My Kippah? by Tim Hegg. Link to web site, PDF file, 12 pages.
An article on some different articles of clothing, particularly kippahs (key-paws) and head coverings. Excellent study of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16.

Some Thoughts on Traditions in Torah Communities by Tim Hegg. Link to web site, PDF file, 7 pages.
Traditions have their place, but that we need to be careful of judging one another based on practices that are not found in the Word of God. Well reasoned and gives some excellent guidelines.

Stringing Pearls for Yom Kippur by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 6 pages.
If you would like a little more explanation for Yom Kippur check out the article, which includes a detailed study of affliction and humbling.

Suicide Silence by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, about 8 pages.
A very personal article telling of the suicide of two people, the connections to sin and silence, a true understanding of love, and the application of truth to the subject.

Tired Old Arguments

This section I started in 2018 for all the tired, old arguments we hear all the time about what is wrong with the Bible or why people think God is all wrong. There's a bunch of them, so like a father numbering his lectures to his kids because they have to be repeated so often, I'm numbering them and giving explanations so I can just refer to the numbers when people do it again.

Tired Old Argument #3 - Bad Verses by Bruce Bertram PDF version 2 pages. All over the web you'll see presentations on the Bad, insane, worst, ridiculous, disgusting, shocking, gruesome verses/stories in the Bible. A few are from honest questioning; most are not and all are inaccurate.

Tired Old Argument #8 - God Commanded Israel to Wipe Out Nations by Bruce Scott Bertram.  PDF version, 3 pages.
I'm sure you've heard the whiny argument that "I couldn't worship a God that would command Israel to wipe out other nations. Men, women and children were slaughtered at the behest of a God that is supposed to be a god of love" or something like it. Here I answer it with references straight from God's mouth.

Torah Morality by Tim Hegg. PDF file, 4 pages.
Discusses some of the issues of sex outside of marriage, and sex within marriage. An excellent read, the link is to a copy of the article we downloaded but cannot seem to find in his index at the moment on the Torah Resource web site. We usually will point to the home site as the source, just in case they want to change the article or something. Let us know if we need to change the link back to the site instead of linking to our own copy. The one we have should be printable, but if you have any problems, let me know.

True Confessions by Rev. Steve Schlissel. PDF file, about 10 pages.
A Reformed or Presbyterian minister, and also a Jewish person, Steve puts together a somewhat formal but thorough explanation of some ideas concerning the applicability of the Law to Christians in an article from his congregation's web site www.messiahnyc.org. We copied it and made it a pdf file because we can't find it on the website anymore. While we don't agree with every single point, he makes a strong case for the Law and how it relates to us Christians. The article revolves around Galatians 3:28 and various interpretations.

The Two House Theory: Three Fatal Flaws by Tim Hegg. Link to web site, PDF file, 11 pages.
Excellent article on basic flaws exhibited by the Two House theory. 1. The 10 tribes are not lost. 2. God's plan is for all Gentiles, not just descendants of the 10 tribes. 3. The union of Judah and Ephraim is separate from salvation for Gentiles.

Two Into One by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 6 pages.
A look at the Two House theory. Written in 2002, before the changeover in the Two House teachings to an emphasis on 'one house.' See also Adoption (2002) and One House (2003) to read about Bruce's other pleas for those brothers and sisters to read Scripture and maintain the unity already given to us by the Spirit. Of course, 'one house' is not an original idea at all.

What Does plerosai Mean in Matthew 5:17? by Tim Hegg. Link to web site, PDF file, 18 pages.
This is an in depth, scholarly presentation to the Evangelical Theological Society made by Tim at a meeting in November 2000, so you will need to know at least a little Greek and Hebrew to really get the 'full' meaning, but a novice will be okay if patience is used.

What If God Were A Linebacker? by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 3 pages.
Only slightly tongue-in-cheek article exploring God's possible impact on sports if He were to play as a linebacker in professional football.

Where Do I Start? by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 3 pages.
An article explaining some of the introductory concepts of Torah submission for the person just starting.

Who's Running This Place? by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 5 pages.
Takes a look at the issues of God's authority along with 'right thinking' as opposed to 'right doing,' and consequently why the Torah is included in the walk of a Christian.

Winking at the Word by Tim Hegg. PDF file, 4 pages.
Don't let the title fool you, Mr. Hegg's article is an excellent discussion of Isaiah 66:2 and what it means to "tremble" at God's Word. It should be printable in it's current form.

The Word of God by Bruce Scott Bertram.  PDF version, 10 pages.
If you like comparing Scripture with Scripture you will like this article.  Be warned, however.  If you are looking for confirmation for what you already believe this article may damage your thinking!

Women's Head coverings: A Messianic Viewpoint anonymous author. PDF file, 6 pages.

We include here an article on head coverings for women, but it has a little bit more extensive review than others because the subject matter seems to get so many people in a passionate uproar. Apparently it is a woman, though, as evidenced by the last paragraph. One wonders why she wants to remain anonymous, until the article is read. Then it is obvious why she doesn’t want to give her name – her arguments are inadequate and incomplete, and she has poor hermeneutics, so she doesn’t want to have to answer for what she says.

The article should’ve been called something like ‘Women’s Head Coverings, A Traditional Viewpoint’ because not all people of a Messianic viewpoint are the same on this issue. Secondly, even modifying the title to more accurately depict something to do with traditions wouldn’t exactly cover it, since the article mainly consists of traditional references from select sources rather than a broad sampling. She claims to represent the ‘Messianic’ view, yet the majority of Messianics do not seem to share her opinion as evidenced by the lack of head coverings among Messianic women. The author obviously has an ax to grind and carefully selects historical or biblical texts that support the grinding. So perhaps a better title would be ‘Why I Want Women to Wear a Cloth on the Head.’

The author is trying to get the reader to believe that all cultures everywhere at anytime have had a head covering element.  This is absolutely not the case.  There are many cultures and traditions that do not include a head covering, and she fails to account for other reasons why a head covering might be worn, such as for head or hair protection.  She also overlooks an obvious point: if culture or tradition are good arguments for a cloth on the head, then why wouldn’t the current ‘culture’ or ‘tradition’ (modern practice) tell us that NOT wearing one is okay?

Another problem is that she ignores biblical references that would contradict her idea that a head covering for women is universally ‘good.’  For instance, in Genesis 38 Tamar is recognized as a prostitute by Judah because she has a covered head.  Moses wears a veil to cover the glory of the Messiah (Ex. 34:33-35 – and he’s male to boot) because the people couldn’t bear to look at his face, and death is a covering or veil over the nations in Isaiah 25:7.

She consistently confuses the presence of a cloth with hair, but only when it suits her purpose.  For instance, right in the first paragraph, second sentence, she states that a woman’s hair is “unveiled” in places such as Number 5:18, when clearly the text reads ‘unbound hair.’  She quotes Isaiah 3:17 for a second such reference, yet not only does the verse simply refer to a loss of hair but a few verses later the thought of hair removal is reinforced and made even more specific (compare Isaiah 3:17 with Isaiah 3:24).

17Therefore the Lord will afflict the scalp of the daughters of Zion with scabs, And the Lord will make their foreheads bare.” (Isaiah 3:17 NASB95)

24Now it will come about that instead of sweet perfume there will be putrefaction; Instead of a belt, a rope; Instead of well-set hair, a plucked-out scalp; Instead of fine clothes, a donning of sackcloth; And branding instead of beauty. (Isaiah 3:24 NASB95)

The only Bible reference that she spends much time on is Numbers 5:18, which leads me to believe she has read Tim Hegg’s article ‘Should I Remove My Kippah?’ (above) and is trying to make a translation come out different.  But all she can come up with is a rabbinic interpretation where the unbinding of a woman’s hair is equated to her own idea of ‘uncover.’  This is nothing more than eisegesis and poor hermeneutics.

We find the article to be good at picking out a few cultural practices, but very poor at coming up with anything Scriptural.  The author’s hermeneutics are sloppy, and she reads into the text to support a pre-existing viewpoint.

Articles on our Website by Author

Barna Research (George Barna)

Americans Most Likely to Base Truth on Feelings by Barna Research (George Barna, February 22, 2002)
You know that old song (Feelings, nothing more than feelings...)? Well, according to research, is seems that old song is a continuing chorus in the modern church. It is one reason the whole of God's Word has been pushed out.

How American's Faith Has Changed Since 9/11 by Barna Research (George Barna, 2002)
Barna Research survey of how the attacks of September 11, 2001 affected the religious beliefs and practices of Americans.

Pastors Rate Themselves Highly, Especially in Teaching by Barna Research (George Barna, January 7, 2002)
This is from Barna Research a few years ago, but it's still relevent. Ask a pastor how he thinks he's doing, and he'll likely tell you similar information as the table in the article. Look at the condition of the church, or the believers, and a different rating might emerge.

Whole Bible Articles by Bruce Scott Bertram

Absolute Truth by Bruce Scott Bertram.  3 pages. PDF version, 3 pages.
This one might just frost your cookies, but don't blame us, blame the Church's teaching and Barna Research.  What are we to make of the statistic that most people in the Church do not believe in absolute truth?

Adoption by Bruce Scott Bertram.  PDF version, 6 pages.
Few people are as qualified as Bruce to write on the subject of adoption.  In this article he shares some of his insights gained the hard way.  See also Two Into One and One House for some other similar ideas.

The Adulterous Woman by Bruce Scott Bertram.  PDF version, 4 pages.
Article from John 8 you might find interesting.  Jesus the lawyer neatly instructs in the proper application of the Law.  Don't miss it.

Am I a Homophobe? by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, about 9 pages.
Bruce comes "out of the closet" as a homophobe. But perhaps the fear of homosexuals is not so "irrational" at all. Plenty of quotes and statistics from many different sources on the lifestyle choice and why a so-called fear may not be so irrational in the end. Perhaps the true irrational fear is in those who capitulate to the enemy.

Asses and Elders by Bruce Scott Bertram, about 6 pages.  PDF version, 6 pages.
Starts with the four-legged talking donkey in Numbers and finishes up with the two-legged talking donkeys in our daily lives.  Includes views on super churches and the media, too.  This article is built around the Reformation concept that 'all truth is God's truth.'

Atheism - The Seinfeld of Religions by Bruce Scott Bertram, about 3 pages.  PDF version, 3 pages.
Adherents of atheism claim that it is not a religion. But that depends on your definition. Ninian Smart describes religions with seven "dimensions," all of which apply to atheism. Atheism is all about nothing, which also describes the comedy show of the '90's called Seinfeld.

Atonement by Bruce Scott Bertram.  PDF version, 4 pages.
Has a discussion of fasting in addition to the description of the Feast.  A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section (Christian Faith and Practice Through the Fall Feasts). Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies. See also Stringing Pearls for Yom Kippur for more information.

The Church Isn't Cutting It Anymore by Bruce Scott Bertram. 4 pages.
Check out our opinion of what other interesting statistics Barna Research has uncovered. Pastors who rate themselves highly while the Church is falling apart. Shades of Nero's fiddling!

Christian Faith and Practice through Blessing by Bruce Bertram. PDF version, 7 pages.
Helps to illuminate some of the many ways to bless and be blessed. A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section. Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through Cleanliness. PDF version, 6 pages.
Discussion of issues relating to clean and unclean. Free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section (Christian Faith and Practice Through Sex, Clean and Unclean). Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through Cycles by Bruce Scott Bertram, PDF version, 8 pages.
A general teaching or overview of all of the feasts as they relate to cycles in the year, themes, and Yeshua (Jesus). A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section (Christian Faith and Practice Through the Spring Feasts). Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through Diet by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
Explores the teaching and blessings that come from following our Father's ways in the area of food.

Christian Faith and Practice through The Feast of Tabernacles by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages. Party, party, party, all the time party! Do we have a great God, or what? A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section (Christian Faith and Practice Through the Fall Feasts). Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through the Mark by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 5 pages.
The mark of the beast makes many people shudder. But did you know the Scriptures teach us about a mark of God? Offers information giving a possible whole new meaning to the Mark.

Christian Faith and Practice through Money by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
Here we talk about some of the general aspects of the Law as they apply to handling money. Tithing, charity, and loans are covered along with some beginning interpretations.

Christian Faith and Practice through Passover by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 5 pages.
An overview of all three Spring feasts - Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits. A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section (Christian Faith and Practice Through the Spring Feasts). Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through Prayer by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 6 pages.
Goes over much of the Scripture relating to prayer. Attempts to provide some guidance from our Father's instructions. Contains a word study on prayer. A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section. Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through the Sabbath by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
When was the Sabbath instituted? Who was the first person to observe the Sabbath? Is the Sabbath really something that is part of Christian faith and practice? It seems the Scriptures say so, but men say no. Which is it? Or rather, which one do we listen to? A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section. Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through Sex by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
An article detailing some of the Laws governing intimate relationships with one another, specifically between married people of opposite genders sufficiently removed. A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section. Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through the Spirit by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 6 pages.
Doesn't cover specific Laws as much as it addresses the Biblical teachings on the Spirit and various practices which have arisen from incomplete understandings of the Word. 'Leading' and 'filling' are covered, as well as some of the Spirit's activities in the Tanakh (OT).

Christian Faith and Practice through...Tradition by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 8 pages.
Using some of the principals from the movie Fiddler on the Roof and quotes from his buddy Tevye, Bruce lays out some of his viewpoints on the legitimacy and place of tradition in the believer's life, contrasting the traditions of men with the traditions of God. A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section. Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Christian Faith and Practice through Tzitzit by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
It may seem a little odd, but an important article on tassels can be found by clicking on this link. Some argue that these are not necessary, but how do we define 'necessary?' Read and find out just how many of the commands really do apply to Christians.

Christian Faith and Practice through Yom Teruah (feast of Trumpets) by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages. Another in the series of CF&P articles intended to help people who are new to practicing the whole of the Word learn how. Contains information on how to blow a shofar and where to get them. A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section (Christian Faith and Practice Through the Fall Feasts). Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Count the Cost by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
Helps to put some of the costs of truly following our Messiah into perspective.

Dr. Laura by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 6 pages.
Our own response to a letter that sometimes circulates through email, concerning a person's concerns who supposedly listens to her radio show. Dr. Laura Schlessinger speaks positively on her shows concerning the Law, among other things, and it is plain that the alleged listener is not really listening after all.

Galatians by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 30 pages.
Written in response to questions from a church he attended. With bibliography. This article has a quick summary of the historical split between Judaism and the Church, along with hitting some of the highlights in the epistle. It is not a complete study, but serves to orient the student to the beginnings of a different viewpoint than the Church has traditionally taught.

Head Coverings and Bible Study by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 18 pages. Whole Bible Channel Video click here.
A fairly complete article with balancing viewpoints on the subject of Bible study using 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 as an example. The emphasis is mostly on Bible study methods. This article is also available in booklet form. A free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section. Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

How to Tie Your Own Tzitzit in one of the Jewish Styles by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF file, 7 pages.
An article with instructions and illustrations on tying one style of the tassel God asks His children to wear on their clothing. Lots of photos and some other web addresses for purchasing kits, too.

Identity Issues by Bruce Scott Bertram.
Short article on the general idea of identity problems within the Messianic Movement, including an analysis of the Two House theories, with links to various articles by Bruce and others.

In Vino, Veritas by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 16 pages.
Bruce presents one of his papers from a Yeshiva class he took on basic Hermeneutics. 'In Vino, Veritas' is Latin for 'In Wine there is Truth' and has footnotes but no bibliography. He covers everything from how the words for wine are defined and used in the Bible all the way to wine making. Probably a great cure for insomnia.

Law Primer by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version 29 pages.
An attempt to help define terms and concepts, with bibliography.

Law Restated by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version 11 pages.
So you think the Law isn't restated in the New Testament? Are your sure you would recognize the Law if it was restated? Are you aware that the Law is restated dozens of times in the Old Testament? After reading this article, maybe you'll be able to recognized the Law in the first place, no matter how it is stated or restated.

Manger by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version 2 pages. Short article on the inn and the manger of Luke 2. Apparently there is a lot of interest in this judging by the requests for backup from the Tabernacles article. So here it is.

Matthew 5 by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 16 pages.
Verse by verse comments on Matthew chapter five, showing how Jesus' teachings were not all that new to begin with.

Matthew 6 by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 6 pages.
Part two of the Sermon on the Mount. Verse by verse opinions showing connections to similar concepts in other parts of Scripture.

Matthew 7 by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 8 pages.
Third section of Jesus' Sermon from the Mount. Dogs and pigs, sand and rock, and the difference between working for God and working for self.

One House by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
Long before it became fashionable to speak of 'one house' in the Two House teachings, Bruce in 2003 was writing on the fallacies of those teachings and making pleas for maintaining the unity already given to God's children by the Spirit. See also Adoption and Two Into One for other articles relating to these issues.

Pentecost by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
A discussion of the giving of the Spirit in Acts as it relates to the giving of the Law at Mt. Sinai.

People Husbandry through the Word by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 8 pages.
Discussion covering the issues of modesty in relation to nakedness and clothing, written in response to an article in a Gates of Eden publication by a Brother John Robinson. Is a head covering Scriptural? Do women have to wear long skirts according to the Bible? Why don't men have to wear long skirts, too? What is idolatry, anyway? These are some of the questions Bruce looks at in an attempt to balance arguments about how women should dress with what the Scriptures say about the subject. Free booklet for personal use can be printed by going to Study Helps and going to the Free Whole Bible Booklets section (Christian Faith and Practice Through Modesty.) Or, send the Word of God Ministries a donation along with a request for additional information, tell us which booklet you want, and we'll send you some copies.

Point by Biblical Point through the Ray Comfort article Freedom from Sabbath Keeping by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 7 pages.
Our response to an article written by Ray Comfort titled Freedom from Sabbath Keeping. Ray Comfort has taught many good things. He’s done a lot of hard work answering atheist’s objections to Christianity, and written some worthwhile books. I have quoted him in my book Whole Bible Christianity from his article Hell’s Best Kept Secret. However, he has also taught some things that are off-track biblically. This article in particular contains so many typical Christian half-truths, logical fallacies, biblically incorrect teaching, philosophies of men and misunderstandings that it will serve as an excellent illustration for many of the wrong teachings from the church I have been addressing for years.

The Practical Effects of Translational Bias by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 10 pages.
Looks at some of the practical issues regarding the supposed difficulties of properly translating the Bible. Some in the 'Hebrew Roots' camp are claiming the Apostolic Writings in particular are 'mistranslated' because some translators had a deliberate bias against Judaism and the Hebrew language. Is this really true? Can God be trusted to deliver an uncorrupted version of what He requires from man?

Read the Word Publicly by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 8 pages.
This article advocates for reading large portions of the Word of God out loud in our public meetings. Ten chapters or more are recommended, and all the benefits are discussed.

Sabbath by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 4 pages.
Part of the feasts but perhaps better explained under a separate heading, the article takes a look at the day of rest and how we can connect with our Father by observing it.

The Sabbath in Scripture by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 12 Pages.
Another article on the Sabbath with an in-depth look as the day combines with the Law and is taught throughout the Scriptures.

Stringing Pearls for Yom Kippur by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 6 pages.
If you would like a little more explanation for Yom Kippur check out the article, which includes a detailed study of affliction and humbling.

Suicide Silence by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, about 8 pages.
A very personal article telling of the suicide of two people, the connections to sin and silence, a true understanding of love, and the application of truth to the subject.

Stringing Pearls for Yom Kippur by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 6 pages.
If you would like a little more explanation for Yom Kippur check out the article, which includes a detailed study of affliction and humbling.

Suicide Silence by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, about 8 pages.
A very personal article telling of the suicide of two people, the connections to sin and silence, a true understanding of love, and the application of truth to the subject.

Two Into One by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 6 pages.
A look at the Two House theory. Written in 2002, before the changeover in the Two House teachings to an emphasis on 'one house.' See also Adoption (2002) and One House (2003) to read about Bruce's other pleas for those brothers and sisters to read Scripture and maintain the unity already given to us by the Spirit. Of course, 'one house' is not an original idea at all.

What If God Were A Linebacker? by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 3 pages.
Only slightly tongue-in-cheek article exploring God's possible impact on sports if He were to play as a linebacker in professional football.

Where Do I Start? by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 3 pages.
An article explaining some of the introductory concepts of Torah submission for the person just starting.

Who's Running This Place? by Bruce Scott Bertram. PDF version, 5 pages.
Takes a look at the issues of God's authority along with 'right thinking' as opposed to 'right doing,' and consequently why the Torah is included in the walk of a Christian.

The Word of God by Bruce Scott Bertram.  PDF version, 10 pages.
If you like comparing Scripture with Scripture you will like this article.  Be warned, however.  If you are looking for confirmation for what you already believe this article may damage your thinking!

Nancy Carter

Paul and Corinthian Women's Hairstyles by Nancy Carter.  Link to web page.
Companion article to the one below looking more in-depth at the concept that Paul is speaking of hairstyles in 1 Corinthians 11.

Shari Freeland

The Name of Jesus by Shari Freeland.  PDF file, 2 pages.
Discussion of the differences between Jesus, Yeshua, and Joshua as found in the text.

The Name of The Lord by Shari Freeland.  PDF file, 3 pages.
Shari asks, what do the names Yahweh, Jehovah, and Lord all have in common?

The Parable of Feeding the Multitude Part One by Shari Freeland.  PDF file, 2 pages.
First of three part article on the implications of Jesus feeding the multitude.

The Parable of Feeding the Multitude Part Two by Shari Freeland.  PDF file, 3 pages.
Second of three part article on the implications of Jesus feeding the multitude.

The Red Heifer Sacrifice by Shari Freeland.  PDF file, 6 pages.
Shari does a good job comparing her view of the red heifer sacrifice in Numbers 19 with the crucifixion of Jesus.

Tim Hegg from torahresource.com

Acts 15 and the Jerusalem Council by Tim Hegg.  Link to web site, PDF file, 17 pages.
Extended treatment of the incidents concerning the Jerusalem council and their finding on the issue of circumcision being necessary for salvation.

Chronology of the week of Yeshua's Crucifixion and Resurrection by Tim Hegg.  Link to web site, PDF file, 9 pages.
Another good article from Tim Hegg covers the chronology of the Passion week.

Dividing Wall in Ephesians 2:14 by Tim Hegg.  Link to web site, PDF file, 16 pages.
Covered very well in this article written in 1996.  We find here that Jesus did not abolish the Law at all, but that a wall erected by men is torn down by Him.

Did God change His mind about food? by Tim Hegg.  Link to web site, PDF file, 13 pages.
Asks (and answers) the question about God and changing.  He looks at Mark 7:19 and Acts 10 (Peter's Vision) to determine if our God changed His everlasting Word or not.

The Lord's Table by Tim Hegg.  Link to web site, PDF file, 14 pages.
Tim investigates the meaning of the communion in a balanced article from the Torah Resource web site.  As with most articles by Tim, very much worth the study.

Matthew 5:17-20, Yeshua's View of Torah by Tim Hegg.  Link to web site, PDF file, 16 pages.
Tim presents a 'fuller' treatment of the four verses in Matthew 5:17-20.  Enjoy the fruits of his hard work in presenting this for our understanding.

One Law Movements, A Response to Russ Resnik and Daniel Juster by Tim Hegg.  PDF file, 31 pages.
This article describes why Daniel Juster and Russ Resnik are wrong about the one law beliefs.

The Priestly Blessing by Tim Hegg.  Link to web site, PDF file, 4 pages.
A nice article on his site covering some of the principles involved in the Aaronic or Priestly Blessing.

Psalm 22:16 by Tim Hegg.  PDF file, 2 pages.
The words "they pierced" in this Psalm have been the center of controversy for quite a while now.  See why, and read about a conclusion based on ancient evidence recently unearthed.

Romans 14 and the 4th Commandment by Tim Hegg.  Link to web site, PDF file, 4 pages.
A good treatment of the "disputatious matters" issue raised by Paul and misunderstood by many, especially with regard to the Sabbath.

Should I Remove My Kippah? by Tim Hegg.  Link to web site, PDF file, 12 pages.
An article on some different articles of clothing, particularly kippahs (key-paws) and head coverings.   Excellent study of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16.

Some Thoughts on Traditions in Torah Communities by Tim Hegg.  Link to web site, PDF file, 7 pages.
Traditions have their place, but that we need to be careful of judging one another based on practices that are not found in the Word of God.  Well reasoned and gives some excellent guidelines.

Torah Morality by Tim Hegg.  PDF file, 4 pages.
Discusses some of the issues of sex outside of marriage, and sex within marriage.  An excellent read, the link is to a copy of the article we downloaded but cannot seem to find in his index at the moment on the Torah Resource web site.  We usually will point to the home site as the source, just in case they want to change the article or something.  Let us know if we need to change the link back to the site instead of linking to our own copy.  The one we have should be printable, but if you have any problems, let me know.

The Two House Theory: Three Fatal Flaws by Tim Hegg.  Link to web site, PDF file, 11 pages.
Excellent article on basic flaws exhibited by the Two House theory.  1.  The 10 tribes are not lost.  2.  God's plan is for all Gentiles, not just descendants of the 10 tribes.  3.  The union of Judah and Ephraim is separate from salvation for Gentiles.

What Does plerosai Mean in Matthew 5:17? by Tim Hegg.  Link to web site, PDF file, 18 pages.
This is an in depth, scholarly presentation to the Evangelical Theological Society made by Tim at a meeting in November 2000, so you will need to know at least a little Greek and Hebrew to really get the 'full' meaning, but a novice will be okay if patience is used.

Winking at the Word by Tim Hegg.  PDF file, 4 pages.
Don't let the title fool you, Mr. Hegg's article is an excellent discussion of Isaiah 66:2 and what it means to "tremble" at God's Word.  It should be printable in it's current form.

Daniel Juster and Russ Resnik

One Law Movements, A Challenge to the Messianic Jewish Community by Daniel Juster and Russ Resnik.  PDF file, 9 pages.
Dr. Daniel Juster is Director of Tikkun Ministries International (www.tikkunministries.org) and Russ Resnik is Executive Director of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations (www.umjc.org).  This 9-page article describes why they do not like the idea of Torah for everybody.

Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.

Correcting Caricatures: The Biblical Teaching on Women, Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., about 4 pages online. Dr. Kaiser is a respected professor of the Old Testament and President Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of Old Testament and Ethics at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Hamilton, MA. He is also the author of a number of excellent books such as Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics: The Search for Meaning; The Promise Plan of God: A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments; and Recovering the Unity of the Bible: One Continuous Story, Plan and Purpose.

A different look at the biblical teaching on women. For instance, he translates the word for helpmeet in Genesis 2:18 as 'strength' instead of helper, though the word 'helper' he says is not pejorative as it is used of God on occasion. Definitely worth a look.

Laura Mayhorn

Did You Know? by Laura Mayhorn.  PDF file, 2 pages.
Laura visits our site and developed a good list of questions and biblical answers, covering facts related to God's Laws, that should appeal to all seekers of truth.

Michael Marlowe

Head covering Customs of the Ancient World by Michael Marlowe. Link to web site.
Article from a cultural viewpoint on what he thinks Paul is talking about in 1 Corinthians 11. We don't agree with his conclusions, but he provides some interesting information.

Rev. Steve Schlissel

Covenant Reading by Rev. Steve Schlissel. PDF file, 15 pages.
An article contrasting the differences between the statements "What must I do to be saved" and "What does God require of me?" The link to the web site is www.messiahnyc.org, if you need it.

Covenant Thinking by Rev. Steve Schlissel. PDF file, 15 pages.
On the differences between Hebrew and Greek thinking. Web site is www.messiahnyc.org if you want more.

Covenant Hearing, by Rev. Steve Schlissel. PDF file, 13 pages.
On assurance and identity. Browse the site at www.messiahnyc.org; we're sure you will find it helpful and interesting.

True Confessions by Rev. Steve Schlissel. PDF file, about 10 pages.
A Reformed or Presbyterian minister, and also a Jewish person, Steve puts together a somewhat formal but thorough explanation of some ideas concerning the applicability of the Law to Christians in an article from his congregation's web site www.messiahnyc.org. We copied it and made it a pdf file because we can't find it on the website anymore. While we don't agree with every single point, he makes a strong case for the Law and how it relates to us Christians. The article revolves around Galatians 3:28 and various interpretations.
