Made the Big Time

Well, I made the big time and finally got a video deleted from Youboob. It was on there for a number of years (about seven or eight I think) and just last month it got removed. The video is titled Am I A Homophobe? and the conclusion, after presenting facts from homosexual writings and CDC statistics, was that yes I am a homophobe. However, a phobia is an irrational fear, while fear of homosexuals is anything but. When you look at the whole package of what they are presenting, the fear of their agenda is not irrational at all. They have twisted the word “phobia” into meanings it doesn’t have.

Homosexuals want “homosexual marriage” when their real intention is to destroy marriage. By their own words there is no such thing as a homosexual marriage unless each party is free to have sex with whoever they want whenever they want. The average homosexual will have hundreds and even thousands of one-time sexual partners. Marriage is monogamy with the opposite gender and is designed by God to be fruitful. He wants “godly offspring” according to Malachi (2:15).

The homosexual lifestyle choice is corrupt and harmful to everyone it touches. It comes in part from hate for God and all that He is. It is said by some to “love the sinner and hate the sin.” Stupid. To love the sinner is to insist on repentance from evil and horrible behavior, not to let them wallow in deadly filth. A parent may be heartbroken that a child has strayed into such heinous behavior, but to “love” them by tolerating their behavior is not to love them. It is to wish upon them pain, suffering and death with eventual permanent death in the lake of fire.

Milo Yiannopooulos is a sort-of famous person who has repented from the lifestyle choice. He has some rather blunt words of wisdom for those who seek to normalize and biblicize the death and destruction that comes from the choice. See his video Protecting the Unborn and Help Men Struggling with same-sex attraction for more.

You can also view my video Am I A Homophobe now on Rumble. I’ll gradually be moving all my content to Rumble in the near future.

