Today, early in the morning, October 7, 2023, the last day of Tabernacles, is another day that will live in infamy. Most of the media are saying that Hamas attacked Israel, but that is an obfuscation. Hamas is just another Islamic terror organization just like Syria or Jordan or Saudi Arabia. They’ve been doing the dirty work for much of the Arab world since they started, and everyone knows it. The attempts to characterize this as just another terror attack are more lies in defense of Islamic nations that have the destruction of Israel as their number one priority. Just because they sign peace agreements doesn’t mean a thing. Their Koran encourages lying in the service of destroying Israel and any non-Muslim nation or people.
Of course, Israel asks for attacks too, because in general they are mostly secular and ignore God. They are also stupid enough to believe that Islam will ever make peace with them or anyone else. If the United States was smart, and our leaders mostly are not, they would turn many of those hostile nations into parking lots.
The illegitimate Biden regime has encouraged the Ishmaelites by knocking down our energy production, which had raised the U.S. to energy independence under the Trump administration, to the point where we are sending dollars to the terrorists to buy oil. Recently Bribery Biden had even sent large amounts of cash to the residents of Lebanon (self-styled Palestinians). What else did he think (assuming he thinks) was going to happen?
Israel needs to get its act together, repent and turn to God wholesale. They think they have reached this point by their own efforts, but no. The only way they could resurrect and survive is if God is with them. Now they need to realize it and get with God.
Shalom, Bruce