At first, I didn’t want to appeal the Youboob decision to delete my video Am I A Homophobe? which has since been moved to Rumble. I know that they are staffed by a bunch of low-life communist losers, and any appeal to reason wasn’t going to work. They informed me that my content violated their terms of use, but did not specify the problem exactly. This is what they said:
Hi The Whole Bible Christian,
“We wanted to let you know our team reviewed your content, and we think it violates our hate speech policy. We know you may not have realized this was a violation of our policies, so we’re not applying a strike to your channel. We realize this may be disappointing news, but it’s our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all. If you think we’ve made a mistake, you can appeal this decision – you’ll find more details below. Content glorifying or inciting violence against another person or group of people is not allowed on YouTube. We also don’t allow any content that encourages hatred of another person or group of people based on their membership in a protected group. In June 2019, we announced updates to this policy. We understand you uploaded your content before our policy updates, so we’re not applying a strike to your channel.”
Rather a general criticism, without really saying anything. So I finally decided to appeal, knowing it wouldn’t work. This is what I said:
“Define hate. Was the deletion due to the CDC statistics I used? Or was it the quotes from homosexual writers?”
Of course they didn’t respond to any questions. That would be logical and reasonable, and consistent with a “no hate” policy. Instead, they said they reviewed the appeal and “confirmed that it violates our hate speech policy.” Since the video consists heavily of CDC statistics and quotes from homosexual writers, I have to say I agree with Youboob. Homosexuals are overflowing with hate. Hate for God, hate for decency, hate for anything and anyone connected with God. What is really sadly funny about the whole thing is that Youtube doesn’t even realize that they confirmed the hate of homosexuals!
The homosexual lifestyle choice is destructive and hate-filled. Disease, shortened life spans, destruction of families, and a never-ending pursuit of physical pleasure at the expense of all things good are good definitions of hate. These go right along with God’s definition of hate, which is to withhold an action which would benefit someone else.
People who condone and protect homosexual lifestyles are therefore hateful themselves. They are withholding words and actions that would reveal the iniquity so it could be corrected. Instead they encourage and “support” the harmful ways of homosexuality to the destruction of the person who makes the choice. Suicide is common. So-called “homosexual marriage” only functions as long as the partners can have sex with anyone they want, and the average number of one-time couplings is in the hundreds. Parents of homosexuals are at fault for helping to create and encourage homosexuals through bad parenting. Instead of admitting it, they seek justification by anointing the behavior.
It’s no surprise that Youtube wanted nothing to do with any sort of good information and hope for correction of homosexual lifestyle choices. They are not in the business of promoting God or good. They have an agenda that is a part of the goals of homosexuals, which is the destruction of anything good coming from God. They are agents of the deceiver, and soon to be in full cooperation with the little horn or beast of prophecy.
May God come soon to destroy the kingdoms of the world and establish the Kingdom of Yeshua haMashiach soon.