Hate Speech

At first, I didn’t want to appeal the Youboob decision to delete my video Am I A Homophobe? which has since been moved to Rumble. I know that they are staffed by a bunch of low-life communist losers, and any appeal to reason wasn’t going to work. They informed me that my content violated their terms of use, but did not specify the problem exactly. This is what they said:

Hi The Whole Bible Christian,

“We wanted to let you know our team reviewed your content, and we think it violates our hate speech policy. We know you may not have realized this was a violation of our policies, so we’re not applying a strike to your channel. We realize this may be disappointing news, but it’s our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all. If you think we’ve made a mistake, you can appeal this decision – you’ll find more details below. Content glorifying or inciting violence against another person or group of people is not allowed on YouTube. We also don’t allow any content that encourages hatred of another person or group of people based on their membership in a protected group. In June 2019, we announced updates to this policy. We understand you uploaded your content before our policy updates, so we’re not applying a strike to your channel.”

Rather a general criticism, without really saying anything. So I finally decided to appeal, knowing it wouldn’t work. This is what I said:

“Define hate. Was the deletion due to the CDC statistics I used? Or was it the quotes from homosexual writers?”

Of course they didn’t respond to any questions. That would be logical and reasonable, and consistent with a “no hate” policy. Instead, they said they reviewed the appeal and “confirmed that it violates our hate speech policy.” Since the video consists heavily of CDC statistics and quotes from homosexual writers, I have to say I agree with Youboob. Homosexuals are overflowing with hate. Hate for God, hate for decency, hate for anything and anyone connected with God. What is really sadly funny about the whole thing is that Youtube doesn’t even realize that they confirmed the hate of homosexuals!

The homosexual lifestyle choice is destructive and hate-filled. Disease, shortened life spans, destruction of families, and a never-ending pursuit of physical pleasure at the expense of all things good are good definitions of hate. These go right along with God’s definition of hate, which is to withhold an action which would benefit someone else.

People who condone and protect homosexual lifestyles are therefore hateful themselves. They are withholding words and actions that would reveal the iniquity so it could be corrected. Instead they encourage and “support” the harmful ways of homosexuality to the destruction of the person who makes the choice. Suicide is common. So-called “homosexual marriage” only functions as long as the partners can have sex with anyone they want, and the average number of one-time couplings is in the hundreds. Parents of homosexuals are at fault for helping to create and encourage homosexuals through bad parenting. Instead of admitting it, they seek justification by anointing the behavior.

It’s no surprise that Youtube wanted nothing to do with any sort of good information and hope for correction of homosexual lifestyle choices. They are not in the business of promoting God or good. They have an agenda that is a part of the goals of homosexuals, which is the destruction of anything good coming from God. They are agents of the deceiver, and soon to be in full cooperation with the little horn or beast of prophecy.

May God come soon to destroy the kingdoms of the world and establish the Kingdom of Yeshua haMashiach soon.



Made the Big Time

Well, I made the big time and finally got a video deleted from Youboob. It was on there for a number of years (about seven or eight I think) and just last month it got removed. The video is titled Am I A Homophobe? and the conclusion, after presenting facts from homosexual writings and CDC statistics, was that yes I am a homophobe. However, a phobia is an irrational fear, while fear of homosexuals is anything but. When you look at the whole package of what they are presenting, the fear of their agenda is not irrational at all. They have twisted the word “phobia” into meanings it doesn’t have.

Homosexuals want “homosexual marriage” when their real intention is to destroy marriage. By their own words there is no such thing as a homosexual marriage unless each party is free to have sex with whoever they want whenever they want. The average homosexual will have hundreds and even thousands of one-time sexual partners. Marriage is monogamy with the opposite gender and is designed by God to be fruitful. He wants “godly offspring” according to Malachi (2:15).

The homosexual lifestyle choice is corrupt and harmful to everyone it touches. It comes in part from hate for God and all that He is. It is said by some to “love the sinner and hate the sin.” Stupid. To love the sinner is to insist on repentance from evil and horrible behavior, not to let them wallow in deadly filth. A parent may be heartbroken that a child has strayed into such heinous behavior, but to “love” them by tolerating their behavior is not to love them. It is to wish upon them pain, suffering and death with eventual permanent death in the lake of fire.

Milo Yiannopooulos is a sort-of famous person who has repented from the lifestyle choice. He has some rather blunt words of wisdom for those who seek to normalize and biblicize the death and destruction that comes from the choice. See his video Protecting the Unborn and Help Men Struggling with same-sex attraction for more.

You can also view my video Am I A Homophobe now on Rumble. I’ll gradually be moving all my content to Rumble in the near future.



Oral Sex Causing Cancer Epidemic in Men

…says the headline on Drudge (March 8th 2018), which sounds alarming, until you realize that the science in the title is all wrong.

As most high-school biology students can tell you, a sneeze does not cause a cold. It is merely the delivery method for the germs that cause the cold.

Oral sex does not cause cancer. If you read the article referred to by the headline you will find the cause is the HPV virus. Human papilloma virus causes infections which can lead to cancer. Also, if you read the article, you and most high-school biology students can see that another major factor is a compromised immune system. If the immune system is down, then almost anything is going to make you sick.

I’m going to get a little graphic here but the subject demands it. If you are not able to handle frank talk, you might want to skip a couple paragraphs. A few minutes reflection should also tell the mature, thinking person that an unmentioned factor is that it depends on what you are licking and how. If your tongue strays into areas it shouldn’t, that were not made for licking, then you will increase your chances of infection exponentially. The anus is not meant for sex, nor is it made for penetration. So if you are licking excrement, you can pretty much bet the filth is going to have an adverse affect.

This brings us to the unmentioned and largest factor in men contracting cancer from HPV. Homosexual men routinely put things in places that are filthy and disgusting, and then stick them in their mouths. Homosexuals also by and large have compromised immunes systems due to their lifestyle choices which expose them to other sicknesses. But homosexuals are not mentioned in the article, though they are the biggest group in the epidemic. We wouldn’t want to be politically incorrect now, would we?

A little bit of study and thought will help you navigate past the scary headlines. Realize the ongoing agendas of much of modern culture to normalize perverse, unhealthy, dangerous and deadly lifestyle choices. There is a plan by the ungodly to tear down all vestiges of God’s instructions for healthy living, and to try to destroy His kingdom. The homosexuals are filled with hate for one another and for God, and along with other unbelievers are not only destroying themselves but trying to bring others down with them.

Don’t fall for the hyped headlines. Godly behavior produces life and love. Ungodly behavior causes cancer.



Tolerating Jezebel

The congregation at Thyatira in Revelation 2:19 seems to be doing everything right according to Jesus.

“I know your works, your love and faith and service and patient endurance, and that your latter works exceed the first.” (Revelation 2:19, ESV)

There was apparently nothing to fault in their faith and service. However, the one glaring problem was that they tolerated a woman called Jezebel.

But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols.(Revelation 2:20, ESV)

There might’ve been an actual woman whose actual name was Jezebel. More probably, it was a woman like Jezebel. Jesus was most likely calling her out by her actions, which were in keeping with the original Jezebel. Queen Jezebel was the wife of Ahab king of Israel, daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians. The Sidonians were one of the nations left by God to test Israel (Judges 3), but Israel failed time and again by marrying the daughters of these nations, following after their gods instead of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jezebel’s claim to fame was in using the usual tools of her Canaanite people to recruit followers for Baal notably sexual immorality (sex outside of marriage as God designed it, divorce, homosexuality, sex with animals, sex with close relatives, prostitution, and so on). Elijah had a famous battle with her priests and prophets (1 Kings 18) and wiped them out.

This woman in Thyatira was using similar methods to move people away from the worship of God alone. An interesting part of the charges by Jesus against Thyatira was that Jezebel allowed or encouraged “eating food offered to idols.” How could this be a bad thing when all the “ceremonial” laws were eliminated (according to the modern church)? The answer is obviously that all of the Laws were in fact still in effect.

So Thyatira was doing everything right, except they tolerated Jezebel’s teaching that sexual immorality was okay. Anybody see where we are doing the same thing today? The church wants to be “tolerant” of sexual immorality by “loving” homosexuals and transgenders and God knows what else. Love has been redefined to allow sexual immorality. The church is teaching that we should tolerate it. They allow unrepentant sexually immoral persons into their congregations. The more things change the more they remain the same.

The congregation at Thyatira is no longer with us. The followers of Jezebel were given time to repent, but apparently did not. Jezebel was thrown onto a sickbed, and those who committed adultery with her were thrown into great tribulation and were killed. It seems obvious to me that Jesus was not really talking to just that particular congregation at that particular time. He was talking to all of those who claim His name (“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the congregations” Revelation 2:7; 2:11; 2:29; 3:6; 3:13; 3:22). If we have ears, and hear, we will repent of the same things that others were told to abandon. We shouldn’t be embracing these unrepentant sexually immoral people. We shouldn’t be tolerating the woman Jezebel in our midst. Cast her out, disavow her teachings, cast her children out of our congregations and hold fast what we have until He comes. Otherwise we will suffer the fate Jesus warned would come upon all those who tolerate those same teachings. Amen. Even so come Lord Jesus.


Gay Marriage Debate Reframed

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the gay marriage thing. Well, I can’t hardly NOT think about it since it’s being shoved in my face every day in a variety of ways.

My basic attitude is one of “live your life like you want, just keep it to yourself.” I know that sounds a little different than the standard Christian approach of beating people over the head with the Bible (or more usually selected texts of the Bible). I’ll tell you what is right, and what the Bible says. But I really don’t care if you want to be homosexual or whatever. I don’t care either that you want to live with someone of the same gender and call it marriage. What I object to is being forced to recognize anything you are doing as good or acceptable. I object to using government to force recognition of your perversion. Go ahead and pervert all you want, but keep me and society at large out of it.

To reframe the debate over gay marriage I propose defining marriage properly. Definitions like a “commitment to one another” or a civil union or even “one man and one woman” miss the boat as far as I’m concerned. Marriage should be defined according to its nature, that is, monogamy. Marriage is actually a sexual commitment. One sex partner, indefinitely. Adultery then is still defined as straying outside of that commitment, and worthy of divorce. This not only hits at the heart of the subject, it also hits at the nature of homosexuality without really trying.

Why? The entire homosexual lifestyle promotes serial adultery. Monogamy is anathema to them. Homosexual authors, writing about homosexual marriage, stress that a homosexual marriage is only healthy if there is no “sexual ownership of each other.” Each partner must be free to engage in sex with as many partners as they wish. And they do. The average homosexual has anywhere from a little over one hundred partners to as many as 1,000 in a lifetime. The average is estimated at about three or four hundred.

So if we properly define marriage as sexual fidelity that would probably make most homosexuals shut up about marriage. If they want marriage, let ’em have it. They just have to stay dedicated to one sex partner indefinitely. Equally, like everyone else.


Granddaughter’s ASL Song

I can’t help it. I really like this for some reason. So I’m posting it everywhere I can. If you’ve already seen it, thanks for watching. If you haven’t you are really missing out. Even if I am a proud grandpa. Raine puts so much expression into her signing.

Off her left shoulder is her brother Isaiah, and the next spot further to Raine’s left (blond hair) is her sister Keira. So we got a bonus of all three in one song.

Of course, I absolutely do not approve of the person who wrote and sang the song – a guy by the name of Ray Boltz. After a long career as a “Christian” musician he recently declared he was gay. He is now divorced from a wife of several decades. Typically, this is modern Christianity. The church does not teach the Bible, only opinions about the Bible, and this is one of the results. I’m sure he was encouraged to sin this way by all the “affirmation” homosexuals are receiving in the church. This is the fruit of the anti-christ. The guy sings nicely, and composes some nice songs. The sentiment is nice. But all the singing about Jesus doesn’t mean a thing if it is only coming from the lips. If it is not in line with God’s Word, it doesn’t matter how much sentiment you put into it – sincere lawlessness is still lawlessness. And Jesus will still declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.” (Matthew 7:23)

I don’t like mixing these two things – my granddaughter’s excellent work in ASL and a singer who has chosen a destructive lifestyle change. But something needs to be said, even if it is not pleasant. As far as “affirming” the homosexual lifestyle choice, people who do so are just as destructive as the lifestyle itself. See our video ‘Am I A Homophobe?’ for just a start on the facts, statistics, and quotes from homosexual authors concerning the awfulness of this high-handed sin.


I Am a Homophobe

A phobia is defined in the dictionary as a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it. Homophobe is a term used to denigrate and bully those who oppose homosexuality. But given the facts, a fear of homosexuals and desire to avoid them is perhaps not so irrational. It ends up being as good a word to describe my fear as any, and I don’t think the homosexuals should control the discussion. So I am coming out of the closet.

I am a homophobe. I am afraid of homosexuals, their lifestyle choices, and their protectors and promoters.

I am afraid they are tearing my country apart with their perverse desires to rip the traditional family to shreds. The only reason for homosexual “marriage” is to destroy real marriage.

  • Michelangelo Signorile, writing in Out! magazine, has stated that homosexuals should, “…fight for same-sex marriage and its benefits and then, once granted, redefine the institution of marriage completely … To debunk a myth and radically alter an archaic institution. … The most subversive action lesbians and gays can undertake-and one that would perhaps benefit all of society-is to transform the notion of ‘family’ altogether.” (Out! magazine, Dec./Jan., 1994.)
  • “In 1972 the National Coalition of Gay Organizations demanded the ‘repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit regardless of sex or numbers.’ Would polygamy invite abuse of child brides, as feminists in Muslim countries and prosecutors in Mormon Utah charge? No. Group marriage could comprise any combination of genders.” (Stop the Wedding!: Why Gay Marriage Isn’t Radical Enough; Judith Levine; The Village Voice; July 23-29, 2003.)
  • See also the booklet Same Sex Marriage: Til Death Do Us Part?; Dr. Paul Cameron; published by Family Research Institute of Colorado Springs, CO. Get it at http://www.familyresearchinst.org/. Read it online at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron1.html#info. Homosexual marriages are short lived; Studies show homosexual marriage is hazardous to one’s health.

I am afraid they have no desire for monogamous relationships of any kind, married or not.

  • 43% of white male homosexuals estimated they had sex with 500 or more different partners. 75% had 100 or more. 28% (the largest subcategory) reported more than 1000 partners. 79% said more than half their partners were strangers. 70% said more than half their sexual partners were men with whom they had sex only once. (Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women; Bell and Weinberg; New York; Simon and Schuster; 1978, pp. 308-309; referring to a study published by The Kinsey Institute. I’ve also seen it cited as published by Touchstone; 1979.)
  • Homosexual activists and marketing experts Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen say “[T]he cheating ratio of ‘married’ gay males, given enough time, approaches 100%…Many gay lovers, bowing to the inevitable, agree to an ‘open relationship,’ for which there are as many sets of ground rules as there are couples.” (After the Ball; by homosexuals Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen; Plume; Sept. 1990; page 330.)
  • “The single most important factor that keeps couples together past the ten-year mark is the lack of possessiveness they feel. Many couples learn very early in their relationship that ownership of each other sexually can become the greatest internal threat to their staying together.” (The Male Couple: How Relationships Develop; by homosexuals David McWhirter and Andrew Mattison; Prentice Hall Trade; February 1985.)
  • “The incidence of domestic violence among gay men is nearly double that in the heterosexual population.” (Intimate Violence in Lesbian Relationships: Discussion of Survey Findings and Practice Implications; Gwat Yong Lie and Sabrina Gentlewarrier; Journal of Social Service Research 15 (1991): 41–59. Quoted from www.exodusglobalalliance.org/ishomosexualityhealthyp60.php.

I am afraid of their diseases, their AIDS virus, the way they carelessly spread so many STD’s and the death and destruction that follow in the wake of their lifestyle choice.

Read more at www.wholebible.com/Homophobe.htm

Suicide Silence

I’ve been quiet for a while (no pun) because I’ve been struggling with writing an article about suicide. Recently a nephew went out this way, and this brought back memories from a few years ago when an acquaintance went out by her own hand also. It has taken some time to put down my thoughts on paper (okay, a word processor) and arrange them in a readable format. The article has some very personal testimony, and is very blunt. The connecting subjects of divorce, homosexuality, depression and anger are part of it, so exercise caution in reading. There will be many who do not like the truths I included, and I will be attacked. Here are some of the opening paragraphs, and there’s a link at the bottom for the whole article on wholebible.com


Her name was Theresa, a woman who killed herself at the end of December 2004 by jumping from a cliff on a hill near my home. She left behind eight kids, a broken marriage, and saddened friends. I knew Theresa a little because a few years before she died I answered an ad she placed at a local music store for people to form a band. We played together a couple of times; she was gifted with writing songs and playing keyboard and guitar. It didn’t work out for us to keep playing together because she lived in a town about 45 minutes away, so I mostly lost touch with her except for a couple of emails. Once she attended a Bible study we had in our home but as I remember the distance again was too great so she didn’t keep coming. I was reacquainted with her when I saw the newspaper article telling of her death.


I thought at first that she could not possibly have committed suicide, because the last I knew she seemed to be well adjusted if melancholy and bitter over her divorce. She had, I heard, solid relationships with a Baptist church she attended after she moved to our town, loved her kids, and had various friends. I suspected foul play; she couldn’t have jumped; she must have been pushed. But as the details were related to me, they found her footprints at the top of the cliff showing she was running towards the edge, and she had to jump far enough to clear a ledge just below the lip of the cliff. What sort of pain and anger, I wondered at the time, drove her to run toward her own destruction like that?


More recently a nephew of mine also decided to end his life. I didn’t know him at all, really, because he lived in another state and he’s the son from a previous marriage of my sister-in-law’s second husband. I met him a couple of times when he was a teenager. He was a likable, quiet kid who was into computers and was an amateur astronomer. According to friends he was smart and had two astronomy magazine articles written about some of his work. Like Theresa, he also seemed stable and there was no warning that he was feeling suicidal. Neither left a note, so we can only guess at the final straw that caused them to self-depart this physical plane.


As I understand it, for a few days before Theresa killed herself she wore duct tape over her mouth. One of her kids asked her why, and she said “no one was listening to her anyway.” She was right, in a way. We don’t want to hear it when someone is contemplating their own demise. After they’re dead we wonder why they didn’t seek help, but before they go it’s too uncomfortable to consider. Even if they did talk people have difficulty with answering. We can’t even talk about it very well after our loved ones are gone, so how much harder is it when they’re alive?


Read more online at www.wholebible.com